Minister Calleary welcomes the publication of the Injuries Resolution Board Annual Report 2023

To enhance and reform the agency the Personal Injuries Resolution Board Act 2022 was passed by the Oireachtas and signed into law by the President on …
The Injuries Resolution Board today publish their Annual Report for 2023. The Board (formerly PIAB) is Ireland’s independent State Body established in 2004 to support the fair, prompt, and transparent resolution of personal injuries claims without the need for unnecessary litigation. Each year the state body through its work generates millions of euro in savings which would otherwise be spent on pursuing personal injury claims through litigation.

To enhance and reform the agency the Personal Injuries Resolution Board Act 2022 was enacted in December 2022 and was commenced over three phases in 2023. The Act introduces new functions for the Board, including a wider reporting and research role, allowing the Board retain more complex injury claims, and significantly the introduction of a mediation service to facilitate the resolution of personal injury claims.

In welcoming the publication of the Report, Minister Calleary stated:>> Continued